Shane’s habit of slamming open doors to shout at Hector hearkens all the way back to page 3 in our very first chapter. Its a long standing part of their friendship.
Tower of Power
It took a remarkably short amount of time for Rail to make and set up the table with minis. If we ever make a Battlements board game, an alternate set of pieces would definitely be the gang in food form.
A poignant moment. Rare. Fleeting. But unwavering in the face of porcine preparations to get out of Doomswick. The tower isn’t going to move itself!
With Corejax nearby on his celestial date with Thova, his blessed muscle biscuits are catching some extra flavor. The date must be going well…
Closet Space
Waxing Words with the Wad
The Bone Wad doesn’t get enough credit for being a great emotional support system. Supportive to everyone, well, except for Steve. Seriously, stop complaining, Steve.
That damn fancy sombrero. Can’t get rid of it. Packing up and moving out, Rail gets his ‘stipend’ for ‘teaching’ Zelenor to be ‘a magic’.