Apocalypse Cow
The Bovine of Destruction rises! Prepare your souls for a blue ribbon in torment! Get ready to make some weeeeeeird burgers.
Heads up, fair reader! Jake and Vic are going to be at the Fairfax Comic Con on August 25th-26th! Come by our booth to say hi! We’ll have some Battlements merch as well as Jake taking commissions and Vic delivering high-fives in exchange for terrible puns. Its our first convention as a comic. Its going to get nice and awkward.
If you can’t tell by now, we’re both huge Dungeons & Dragons nerds. One of the biggest influences on the comic is how we see these fantasy worlds through a lens of cheeky absurd-ism. We love hearing insane D&D stories as well as telling them. If you swing by our booth at the convention, tell us about that time a vampire lord kidnapped the wrong person, or when three goblins dressed in a trench coat tried to sneak into the tavern. Shane, Hector, Rail, and Gene are definitely in for more soon. Stay tuned, faithful reader! The action is about to kick off!
Well, that was udderly ridiculous…
Well played, sir. Well played
God Don’t Have a cow Man! lol