Corejax gonna run wild through your visions! New Year, New Battlements! Muscle Biscuits seem to work especially well with sorcerers’ diets and workout routines.
Archive for zelenor
Give and Take
Hector is giving his take on the Sorcerer-Wizard conditioning ritual. I think he’s a lot closer than Shane is giving him credit for.
Something to be Said About Tradition
One day we’ll have to catalog all the esoteric items in Shane’s room. The manticore skin rug really pulls the room together.
Orva Ortírië Vérë
The ritual begins! And ends? Whew. I thought that was going to drag out. Like one of those blood pacts that definitely could have been an email.
Warm Salutations
Nothing like dropping in on old friends. Its your favorite person, Ludwig. Also, our first dragonborn, Mildred!
Sometimes you just gotta do a montage! Zelenor finally gets some proper training. She’s even got the Ass-Bog Dagobah course down.
Making A Dutchess
Spell combo instruction leads to an odd discovery. Plus, Friendly Fireball is going on an adventure! All aboard the Scorching Ray Express!
Back to our regularly scheduled…oh SWEET THOVA HELP US! Something has gone terribly wrong with the Double Dutchess. Better think quick!
Maybe this problem needs MORE SKELETONS! The void is plugged. Now we gotta figure out why the void was there in the first place.