Nothing like a face full of spiders to shake your righteousness. That’s why its always a good idea to have backup.
Archive for villagers
Sometimes the quest doesn’t go the way you think it will. To save a village, you may only be able to save the people.
A poignant moment. Rare. Fleeting. But unwavering in the face of porcine preparations to get out of Doomswick. The tower isn’t going to move itself!
With Corejax nearby on his celestial date with Thova, his blessed muscle biscuits are catching some extra flavor. The date must be going well…
Looks like Gene is handing out Corejax Crumpets to the whole crew. Swol Doomswick Irregulars to tip the scales!
Remember, call 811 before you reanimate the dead. Always make sure your backline teammates have that frontline if they don’t have a plan.
Its the battle of Doomswick! Throw some elbows! Crack some heads! Punch that jerk! No, not that jerk. The other jerk!